Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Idea Log - Tobacco Cessation

The UT Austin Tobacco Prevention Program holds a Texas Tobacco Summit every year and this year I got the opportunity to partner with them. I was to conduct a graphic recording at the conference during coalition presentations about efforts to prevent smoking, and UT also requested that I generate an 'Idea Log.' The log was included in participant handouts and is designed to give people a space to capture ideas, actions, resources, etc. I chose a cartoon panel set-up because I wanted to show (not tell) a mini-story about the real purpose of the conference.

1 comment:

BeKind said...

Sunni, neat site!

Noticed you attended the UT Austin Tobacco Prevention Program. Hope you and the rest of the Texas attendees will quickly sign the Online petition to remove a tobacco CEO from the Florida Foundation Board and a professorship chair in her name at the University of Florida. Sure that the Longhorns wouldn’t put up with such unhealthy stuff like the GATORS.
Please visit http://petitiononline.com/up1nlove/petition-sign.html to see what many educated and caring people said about this poison tobacco Ivey over in Gainesville.

Take care,
Mike Sawyer
Birmingham, Alabama